Cavernous Angiomas (also known as Cavernous Malformations,
Cavernous Hemangiomas or Cavernomas) are being discovered
with increased frequency due to the accuracy and availability of
MRI and CT scanning. These malformations are well-defined structural
lesions which frequently reach a significant size and can be
confused with a Brain tumor. Structurally these malformations
consist of enlarged capillaries with areas that are
dilated and which lack the smooth muscle and elastic fibers of normal
vessels. They can occur anywhere in the Central Nervous
System (CNS). A small proportion of Cavernous Angiomas are

One of the unique characteristics of these lesions is that
the Cavernous Angiomas vessels are directly adjacent to one another
without having any normal Brain tissue between them. These
abnormalities are not associated with enlarged feeding arteries or
draining veins. Blood flow within the lesion is quite slow and often
stagnated. The lesions are known to become clotted and may
calcify as part of a progressive "degenerative" process.
Cavernous Angiomas are known to occur with a higher
frequency in Mexican-American families (who also have a
higher incidence of multiple lesions) compared to the
general population. These lesions are often identified on
neuroimaging studies with small hemorrhages that also tend to leave some
residual products of that bleeding called "hemosiderin".
This hemosiderin is a "breakdown" product from the blood
and includes some "iron salts" that are precipitated
in the adjacent Brain tissue. These "left over" products of
the haemorrhage can result in changes that incite a scar
reaction (gliosis) within the Brain. The "gliotic" areas can then
become a focus for abnormal electric activity that causes
The statistical likelihood for any lesion to haemorrhage is less
than 1%; however, the re-haemorrhage rate dramatically increases in the
event that the lesion enlarges within one year of initial
Cavernous Angiomas are also referred to as Cryptic
Arteriovenous Malformations or Occult Malformations because
they usually do not show up on routine cerebral angiograms.
In some patients who have suffered an intracerebral haemorrhage,
neuroimaging investigations (including angiography) may not be able to
identify the source of the bleeding. In fact, the "source" (which was a
"Cryptic AVM") "obliterated" itself with the haemorrhage.
Approximately 75% of patients with a Cavernous Angioma never
develop any symptoms. Of those who do develop problems, the
commonest symptoms are epilepsy, hemorrhage and headache
consequent to a "mass" lesion (blood clot). Once a patient
becomes symptomatic they are likely to remain
CT scans often show evidence of focal calcification, recent
hemorrhage and/or mass effect from a blood clot. There may be
faint "enhancement" when intravenous "contrast" material is
given as part of the neuroimaging study. Cerebral angiograms are
often entirely normal whereas MRI scans reveal
well-defined lesions on T1 and T2 sequences. The hemosiderin
ring is best seen on T2 sequences. Evidence of previous bleeding is often
seen in the center of the lesion as well as local Brain swelling which
results from the hemorrhage.

Surgical removal is appropriate for patients with intractable
seizures, patients who have experienced an increase in lesion size on MRI
scan and/or where there has been a significant gross hemorrhage.
The advantages to surgical removal in symptomatic patients include:
definitive removal of the lesion as well as the blood clot (mass);
elimination of any subsequent risk of hemorrhage; removal of the seizure
focus in cases where the lesion is associated with Epilepsy.
Approximately 50% of patients experience elimination of seizures
with the remainder having a decreased frequency of seizures. Elimination
of seizures is more likely if the patient has not had seizures for many
The role of Radiosurgery is not well defined in the absence
of scientific evidence supporting its use for these lesions. There is
limited scientific information regarding large numbers of
patients treated by Radiosurgery and followed with neuroimaging
studies over an extended period of time. (GENETICS information)
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This page last edited on 2/19