The cervical (neck) area is the most mobile of any portion of the spinal
column. There are seven (7) separate cervical vertebrae (Figures 1 and 2)
which are connected to each other through a series of joints, ligaments,
discs and muscles. Pathological conditions can affect any of these
structures. However, as a normal process of everyday life, there is a
certain amount of "wear and tear" that involves any of the moving parts
and the structures that connect them. This naturally occurring process
is referred to as a "degenerative" change. It is present, to some extent,
in everyone who is over 20 years of age. This does not mean that we are
all going to experience serious problems with the discs or bones in our
necks. Nevertheless, neck pain that results from these problems is very
common. In order to understand why these difficulties occur and how to
deal with them, it is important to understand something about the way
the neck structures work.
The disc acts, in part, like a shock absorber between each vertebral
body. The center of the disc (the Nucleus Pulposus) is a soft,
gel-like substance that is held in place by a strong, dense
multi-layered, multi- ringed capsule, the Annulus Fibrosus
(Figure 3). The disc is attached to each adjacent vertebra and is
surrounded by a series of very tough ligaments that also connect each
vertebra in the Spinal Column. During the natural daily activities of
movement and weight bearing, there is a very slow progressive "wear and
tear" process in which the soft disc center (Nucleus Pulposus) becomes
less rubbery and more brittle. It slowly becomes more like crab meat
in its consistency during our 30th through 50th years of life. Beyond
these years, the discs wear down; the center shrivels and dries
rendering it less efficient as a shock absorber. This process is, to
some degree, similar to what happens to "original equipment shock
absorbers" on the family car. Unfortunately there are no "real
replacement" discs available at this time although experimental
products are being developed. The first artificial mechanical joint
became available in mid-July 2007 in the manner of the "Prestige"®
Cervical Arthroplasty Device (manufactured by Medtronic Sofamor-Danek).
This is a stainless steel "ball and trough" design that is approved
for implantation at one cervical level (from C3 to C7). There are
over a dozen other synthetic bio-plastic/metal Arthroplasty devices
designed by other companies currently under clinical investigation.
Additional information is available in Cervical Spine Information-Part
2 and/or our website.
During the time that the discs are undergoing these degenerative
changes, the Facet Joints (located posteriorly [in the back]
and on either side of each vertebra) which assist in connecting one
vertebra to the next, are also subjected to increased stresses.
These joints are critical for normal neck movement. Each Facet Joint
has, as "original equipment", a glistening smooth lining (Synovium)
and a small amount of "joint fluid" (Synovial Fluid) that helps to
facilitate motion of these joints. The neck motion of everyday
activities inevitably results in a certain amount of "wear and tear"
on these joints. As the disc becomes less efficient as a shock
absorber, more stress is placed on the Facet Joints. The entire
process involving the "wear and tear" on the joints, and their
response to this "trauma", is called Degenerative Osteoarthritis
(osteo=bone; arthritis=inflammatory change in the joints). As part
of this process, the glistening, smooth joint surfaces slowly wear
down and the joint's lubricating fluid is slowly "used up." The
joints, and the bone near them, make every attempt to protect
themselves against this wearing down. This response takes the form
of laying down new, dense bone in and around the joint. This new
hard bone is the body's way to try to prevent the bones from wearing
away. In some cases, this new bone forms "spurs" which can
compress the neural elements in the Foramen and/or Spinal Canal.
Some people seem to have a tendency towards developing more
degenerative disc disease, along with its associated osteoarthritis,
faster than other people. In some cases, it appears to be related
to adolescent and adulthood sports activities, repetitive heavy lifting
or previous neck injuries such as "whiplash" (as occur in rear-end
motor vehicle accidents) or repetitive blows to the top of the head
(as occurs in football players and the cliff divers in Acapulco,
Mexico). Frequently, no causative agent or experience can be
identified. It is important to recognize that many people can have
far-advanced degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis with large
bone spurs and have absolutely no history of injuries of any sort.
In addition, these same individuals may never have experienced any
significant neck discomfort despite the fact that the degenerative
process is so advanced. It is frequently a shock to these patients
when they are made aware, for the first time, of the advanced state
of their arthritis after an x-ray has been taken. The x-ray may
have been taken when the patient complains of severe and relentless
neck pain after a fairly trivial neck injury. These patients
frequently express their disbelief upon hearing that their disease
has actually been present for many years. The opposite extreme to
this scenario occurs in younger patients (20's and 30's) who
experience frequent (and occasionally severe) neck pain from these
joints, and in whom x-ray studies are entirely normal.
Pain is the most frequent symptom that brings the patient with a
neck problem to their physician. The pain may originate from any of
the structures that we have reviewed so far, or from some other
anatomical areas such as the Nerve Roots (or their coverings)
which leave the Spinal Cord at each cervical level. (See figures 4,
5, and 6.) The experience of a painful stiff neck is familiar to
most of us. The "stiffness" is usually the result of muscle spasm
or tightness in the powerful paravertebral muscles that lie on either
side in the back of the neck. This is the body's way to attempt to
immobilize the joints that are injured. When the paravertebral
muscles contract, they reduce the amount of movement that the joints
would ordinarily have. However, the muscle spasm frequently is
quite painful in and of itself. Some patients notice that their
muscles feel like "knots." This is the result of increased
contraction of some of the muscle fibers.
Many patients also experience pain in the back of the skull
(suboccipital region), which can be quite severe. It occurs with
more severe contraction of these paravertebral muscles and is due
to the muscle pulling on its insertion at the base of the skull
which is covered by a thin layer (called "Periosteum") that is rich
in pain fibres.
A local application of heat (heating pad, moist or dry heat) or ice
(with careful attention not to injure the skin with these temperatures)
frequently offers significant relief from the muscle spasm. Massage
(with or without liniment, balms, salves, or oils) also may offer
welcome relief from muscle spasm. In many cases the problem is only
with the muscle (such as a muscle strain), and these measures provide
satisfactory relief. However, it is prudent to remember that the
muscle spasm may be an attempt by the body to protect us from further
injury relating to a more important underlying difficulty. It then
becomes increasingly important to more precisely identify the
underlying pathology. Any persistent or recurring, severe neck pain
deserves a more thorough evaluation by your physician.
A neck "crick" is another common complaint. This symptom complex
is most frequently experienced upon awakening in the morning. You
usually know immediately that you "slept the wrong way." Stiffness
and soreness are the hallmarks of this problem. It is the result
of excessive stress on one or more Facet Joints on one side of the
neck most likely related to lying in a peculiar position for some
time. For some people, this is a frequent and repetitive annoyance.
It may or may not be the result of more serious or advanced
"degenerative arthritis." Common sense usually tells these patients
to experiment with different sizes and shapes of pillows as well
as body sleeping positions (or even mattresses) in order to avoid
this recurring discomfort.
For most people who have these problems, the pain is short lived. In
the event that it becomes repetitive or severe and unrelenting,
further measures are necessary. The most reliable method for
relieving neck pain is to immobilize the neck and therefore reduce
the amount of motion in the "damaged" joints. A cervical collar
can be very helpful for this. It is not possible to stop all motion
in the neck in an awake and ambulatory person except with some extreme
measures which are not warranted for these neck problems. Soft
cervical collars that encircle the neck offer many patients all
the relief that is necessary even though they are the least likely to
immobilize the neck well. Some patients use this collar at night when
lying down and use a more rigid (firm) collar during the time
they are out of bed. Obviously the degree to which immobilization is
pursued depends upon the extent of the problem. For some people,
this may mean several months wearing collars; others many only need
this for a few days. An injury to a Facet Joint can take a long time
to heal. Unless the patient allows this time for proper healing,
they may be inviting more frequent and severe recurrences as well
as an acceleration of the "degenerative process."
Medications are frequently used for these conditions. Mild pain
relievers are often necessary. However, some caution is needed.
Pain is one of the ways that the body has to alert you that something
is wrong. If you take medicine to relieve the pain and then
continue to pursue the activities that are producing damage to the
anatomical structures (joints, etc.), you are probably doing yourself
(and these body parts) a serious disservice. Muscle relaxants and
anti-inflammatory medications are also part of the treatment
prescribed by physicians. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment for a
recurring problem or a severe neck pain is very unwise. For most
patients, prompt proper medically supervised treatment will reduce
the likelihood for more extensive chronic neurological deficit and
pain. Some patients may require more potent analgesics (narcotics)
and more powerful anti-inflammatory agents such as "Steroids".
(Please refer to our discussion of "Steroids" later in this
One of the more serious disorders of the cervical spine is a
Herniated Disc. The "herniated disc" is, in medical
terminology, a "Herniated Nucleus Pulposus (HNP)." It is
commonly called a "slipped or bulging disc," "ruptured disc,"
"misplaced” or "displaced" disc to name a few. In this
situation the shock-absorbing, softer center of the disc (Nucleus
Pulposus) has pushed against, stretched or torn its way through
the confining multiple layers of the capsule (Annulus Fibrosis).
The Posterior Longitudinal Ligament, which assists the Annulus
Fibrosus to hold the disc in place, is also stretched and damaged but
remains intact.
The Spinal Cord is well protected as it lies inside the bony central
Spinal Canal formed by each vertebra lying one on top of the other
in the spinal column. At each vertebral level, one pair of Nerve
Roots leaves the Spinal Cord through narrow bone openings (the
Neural Foramen) on either side of the bony Spinal Canal. When the
herniated disc pushes backwards it may compress the Nerve Root
and/or Spinal Cord that lie directly behind it within the bone
ring of the Spinal Canal. The Nerve Root can be damaged as it
is pinched or pressed against the bone of the Spinal Canal. The
nerve frequently responds to this pressure by developing Nerve
Root swelling which results in more Nerve Root compression in
the Neural Foramen. This increased pressure reduces the blood
supply to the Nerve Root producing more damage to the Nerve Root
and more swelling. A vicious cycle is established which could
result in serious (possibly irreparable) injury to the Nerve Root.
A herniated disc is very uncommon in young people. It is more
frequent in the third and fourth decades. Oftentimes some form of
trauma can be identified as the cause the problem. Neck injuries
from automobile accidents or lifting injuries are familiar to
most physicians who treat these ailments. Another frequent
experience is the herniation of a disc in the morning upon
awakening. Each disc takes in some water (from body fluids) at
night when lying down rendering the disc larger and under more
pressure. In the morning, probably when turning suddenly in bed,
there may be considerably more pressure exerted upon the disc. The
pain is usually described as deep in the neck and made worse by
certain neck movements. Many patients experience pain between
the shoulder blades as well as in a shoulder and/or arm. Even in
milder forms of disc herniation, the pain can be relentless with
periods of relative worsening. Medical treatment will probably
become necessary for most patients with a herniated disc. It is
necessary to caution that not all neck pains are related to a
herniated disc or joint problems. An accurate diagnosis by a
skilled physician will help to focus on the precise problem for
which specific treatment is appropriate.
Most people who suffer a herniated disc recover without any surgical
treatment. The object of any treatment is to have the "herniated"
portion of the disc return to its proper place and thus relieve the
pressure on the Nerve Root. The blood supply to the Nerve Root
will improve once the swelling diminishes. It is equally important
to try to allow the damaged disc capsule and ligaments to heal.
In various regions of this country, patients with herniated discs
frequently undergo some form of "spinal manipulation" as part of
chiropractic therapy or osteopathic, orthopedic, and (even more
rarely) neurosurgical treatment. The practitioners of these
disciplines are enthusiastic about their results. Undoubtedly, some
patients with small herniations do experience relief after spine
manipulation. It is also true that very serious injuries to the
Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerve Roots and the blood supply to the brain
can occur from overly vigorous Cervical Spine manipulation. At
risk are the vitally important Vertebral Arteries which are
protected in part of the cervical vertebrae as they course upwards
to enter the skull where they supply blood to the Spinal Cord, Brain
Stem, Cranial Nerves, Cerebellum and the Brain. Sudden and/or
vigorous cervical spine manipulation can damage these vessels
resulting in stroke/paralysis/death. As a rule, we recommend against
any spine manipulation if there are symptoms of tingling,
numbness, electric shock sensation or weakness. If the pain is
severe between the shoulder blades or in the arm, one should be very
cautious about using spine manipulation. If pain continues or
worsens after an effort at spine manipulation, we advise against
pursuing the treatment.
For those patients who fail to improve with medications and
immobilizing collars (or even "manipulation"), there are other forms
of treatment that are worthwhile. Cervical traction is a method of
applying a steady force to the Cervical Spinal column that may
improve many patients with cervical disc disease and/or degenerative
arthritis. The traction apparatus lifts the skull and pulls the
joints of the cervical vertebrae apart for a very short distance
(1/2 to 1 millimeter). This distance may not seem like much; however,
it is frequently all the extra room that is needed in order to
relieve the pressure on a compressed nerve creating an environment
that favors the improved blood flow to the Nerve Root that results
in decreased swelling. The pain and neurological symptoms should
improve if the nerve root pressure is satisfactorily relieved early
enough. In the case of a herniated disc, the traction may also
diminish the pressure within the disc space and allow the small
piece of "ruptured disc" to reposition itself.
Even if the herniated disc "slips" back into place and the pain,
tingling, numbness and weakness are completely relieved, there
remains an injured, weakened disc capsule and ligament. These
damaged structures take MONTHS TO HEAL (if ever). There are NO
MEDICATIONS and NO EXERCISES which will improve these structures.
Exercise can only stretch and stress the already damaged ligaments.
The only treatment that we would recommend is neck immobilization.
This usually means wearing a soft collar at night and a firm collar
in the daytime. It may be too uncomfortable to wear the firm collar
when lying down. Many patients cannot accept the requirement to
wear an immobilizing collar once they feel better. Hopefully with
a better understanding of the anatomy and function of these structures,
they will make the appropriate choices to permit their tissues time
to heal. If the disc capsule and ligament fail to heal well, then
one can understand how much more easily a recurrence of the
problem can occur at some later date. Sometimes the initial injury
to the disc capsule and ligament are sufficiently severe that they
can never satisfactorily recover, and the patient will eventually
experience a recurrence of the "herniation". Only the passage
of time (which may turn out to be many years later) will tell.
There are no reliable x-rays or other tests to assess the state of
these ligaments.
There are several questions that are frequently asked about cervical
traction such as: "How much weight? How long do I use it? What
position is best? Who should supervise it?" We strongly urge that
cervical traction only be used under the supervision of your physician.
Although it is relatively safe, it could cause some damage if
improperly applied.
Traction can be applied to the cervical spine while the patient is
sitting or lying down. One often prescribed system can fit on a
doorjamb at home or even at work at your desk. There are expensive
pneumatic or cable-driven devices that are not necessarily better
than the less expensive, passive varieties. The best traction device
is one which allows the patient to lie down and is adjustable for
height. When you are lying down (particularly when asleep), you are
more likely to be relaxed which means that the strong neck muscles
are not counteracting the pull of the traction and the traction does
not have to overcome the same gravitational force of the skull as when
you are sitting. When recumbent, seven to eight pounds of traction
is all that is required. More weight is not better and will
cause Temporo-mandibular Joint (TMJ or jaw joint) pain. A
"halter" device fits under the chin and attaches to the traction
apparatus. In the sitting position, you will need a little more
weight, sometimes up to 14 pounds. The angle at which the traction
pulls upon the neck should be as close to a "neutral" (straight
relative to the spine) position as possible. The traction device
should be adjustable to allow for changes in the angle of pulling.
There is one firm rule about using traction. IF IT HURTS,
DON'T DO IT. Traction should not make the pain or the symptoms (such
as tingling) worse. If it does, stop using it and talk with your
The amount of time spent in traction depends on your condition and
the stage of your treatment and recovery. In the acute (early)
stages of treatment for a herniated disc, it is best to use the
traction for as many hours of the day and night as you can tolerate
it. In those patients with advanced weakness in the arm or hand
and/or those with unrelieved excruciating pain, your physician may
recommend hospitalization for several days where more powerful
sedatives, muscle relaxants and pain relievers can be used. As a
general rule, we are able to improve most patients with a herniated
cervical disc within five days. If the pain or neurological problems
are not improved within this time, the problem deserves further
evaluation. In the event that there is improvement, further traction
at home for seven to 14 days may be necessary. After this, depending
on the patient's condition and work requirements, traction can be
used intermittently for another few weeks or months.
We have mainly been discussing the medical management for herniated
cervical disc; however, the treatments are also appropriate for
cervical degenerative arthritis. There are some fundamental
differences, in the long-term aspects, between patients with a
herniated disc and those with degenerative arthritis (bone spurs).
In patients with Nerve Root injuries from a bone spur, the bone spur
has been present for years. The acute injury to the nerve is usually
the result of some relatively sudden movement or a trivial injury in
the face of long standing and relentless pressure on the nerve as it
lies against the bone spur in the Neural Foramen (the bone window on
the side of the spinal column through which the Nerve Root exits from
the Spinal Cord). The compression injury produces Nerve Root swelling
inside the Neural Foramen which is already made smaller by the hard
bone spurs. Cervical traction can allow the cervical vertebrae to be
"stretched apart" for a very short distance. Frequently this is
sufficient to allow the Nerve Root enough room so that the swelling
can be reduced. Once again, the length of time in the traction
apparatus and the degree of vigor with which traction and medical
treatment (muscle relaxants, pain relievers and oral steroids) is
pursued depends on the severity of the neurological injury and the
degree of pain. Cervical Spine manipulation is absolutely
inappropriate in the case of nerve injury by a bone spur. The bone
spur is not going to be changed by any form of manipulation or
medicine. Manipulation of the spine can result in significant
injury to the Cervical Nerve Roots or the Spinal Cord in these
patients. For those patients who have a serious nerve injury,
hospitalization may become appropriate for a trial of cervical
traction. If the neurological condition improves then this treatment
can be continued; nevertheless, the bone spur(s), as part of a
progressive "degenerative" process, will not go away. This does not
mean that surgical removal is necessary in the majority of these
patients or that surgical treatment is inevitable. It does mean
that some reasonable care, caution, and good common sense will be
necessary in order to try to avoid repetitive nerve injury.
There is another category of patients who suffer nerve injuries that
also deserves special explanation. The condition of an "Extruded
Disc" is one in which a portion of the Nucleus Pulposus
("crab meat"/shock absorber portion of the disc) has migrated
through a tear in the multi-concentric rings of the Annulus Fibrosus
and the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament to occupy a place in the
Epidural Space within the Spinal Canal and/or Foramen. These disc
fragments can be single or multiple and vary in size from quite small
to large. They come to produce pressure upon the Nerve Root and/or
the Spinal Cord. In some ways this condition is akin to squeezing
toothpaste out of a tube. There is little likelihood that an
Extruded Disc will regain its former position (within the disc space)
meaning that the pressure that it exerts on the Nerve root and/or
Spinal Cord will continue until it is surgically corrected.
An Extruded Disc can and frequently does occur in the presence of
significant bone spur formation, although one is in no way dependent
upon the other. However, when the two co-exist there is an added
dimension of neural element compression. The bone spur has already
been present for some time. It may or may not have produced symptoms
in the previous years. The additional insult to the nerve by a
herniated disc into a previously narrowed Neural Foramen (narrowed
by the bone spur) or Spinal Canal may result in a more severe
injury to the Nerve Root and/or Spinal Cord. While early preliminary
medical treatment is important in an attempt to limit the extent
of the Neurological injury, surgical correction is usually required
to effectively repair this condition.
Steroids are the most powerful "anti-inflammatory" medications and
are frequently used to reduce "swelling" of the nervous system tissue.
For patients with Nerve Root compression, a SHORT COURSE OF ORAL
STEROIDS with or without some of the other treatments
(immobilization, traction) may be useful. There are some physicians
who recommend the injection of steroids into the space around the
Nerve Root (Epidural Space) in order to concentrate the maximum dose
in the involved area and to avoid the possible (rare) side effects of
oral medication. Although the placement of a needle and narrow
catheter near the Nerve Root is technically possible, it requires
considerable skill and an element of luck. It is important to
catheter is being placed into an already narrowed Neural Foramen
(either in the case of a patient harboring a bone spur and/or a
herniated disc) and/or a Stenotic (narrowed) Spinal Canal. In any
patient this treatment carries with it a risk to further (possibly
irreparable) injury to the Spinal Cord and/or Nerve Root. The
practitioners of this procedure usually inject a local anesthetic
along with the steroid. This should relieve the pain (which in some
cases is very severe). However, the pain relief will only last as
long as the anesthetic does. (Patients who have had local anesthetic
injected for dental work will have an idea of how long this medicine
works.) It should not be surprising to learn that these same
practitioners will usually recommend a "course" of repetitive
injections. This is not a therapeutic alternative that we can
recommend. We would caution anyone considering it to insist upon a
course of oral steroids first. If this fails then an MRI Scan
should be done to determine the cause. Only if there is no evidence
of significant Nerve Root/Spinal Cord compression might one then
consider the injection. However, we would encourage you to learn
about the practitioner's skills and also the risks to neurological
injury and to life that are inherent in this treatment. In our
considerable experience a course of oral steroids is usually quite
effective in reducing the Nerve Root swelling resulting in improvement
in the pain within 6-18 hours. This avoids the risk of Nerve Root
injury associated with the Epidural Steroid injection method.
"Facet Injections" may be appropriate for some patients. This
is a temporizing technique that is popular in some regions. The theory
is to infiltrate the area immediately surrounding the outside of a
damaged facet with a long acting local anesthetic agent. It has no
effect on the Facet itself or upon the degenerative process that
involves that structure, nor does this affect or improve the cervical
Nerve Root.
"Facet Rhizotomy" is another "needle" procedure. In this instance
an electrical current is placed through a special needle in an
attempt to permanently destroy the small sensory nerve that may supply
a degenerative joint. This technique, like any Facet "injection",
will have no effect on the underlying degenerative process that
affects the joint.
"Chemonucleolysis", a technique that had become popular in the
past, involves the injection of an enzyme into the disc to attempt to
"digest" the disc. It is absolutely illegal (in the USA) to use
this treatment in the cervical spine. If the medication (enzyme)
leaks into the area of the Spinal Cord or Nerve Root, there could be
a disaster since the enzyme can also "digest" the Spinal Cord or
Nerve Root.
Let us turn our attention to some of the methods that are used to
investigate patients with herniated cervical discs and cervical
degenerative arthritis as well as Cervical Spinal Cord and/or Nerve
Root injuries. It is worth repeating, for emphasis, the fact that NOT
is a review of the medical history of the patient together with a
comprehensive focused neurological examination. This information
forms the basis for the ensuing investigation.
In many cases, the physician will recommend a Cervical Spine X-ray
examination. Several viewing angles are a routine part of the
evaluation. We prefer front, side (lateral) as well as left and right
oblique views in order to properly determine the extent of bone
involvement for each of the cervical vertebrae. All the cervical
vertebrae are seen on each of these four (4) views. (A fifth view may
be taken to better evaluate the first cervical vertebra.) Although
the disc (or its herniation) CANNOT BE SEEN by these x-rays, some
inference can be made. In the case of degenerative disc disease,
the involved disc space(s) will be narrower in height when compared
to the normal discs. Even though a narrowed disc space implies
degenerative disc disease, it certainly does not mean that this,
necessarily, is either the source of the pain or the site of the
ruptured disc in any particular patient. The involvement of the
various joints of the cervical spine at each level with degenerative
arthritis and the degree of bone spur formation can be evaluated by
these "plain" x-rays if they are of good quality.
The "Uncovertebral Joints" are important anatomical structures
of the cervical Spine that lie bilaterally (both sides) on the
antero-lateral (far front) side of each vertebral body immediately
adjacent to the Neural Foramen. Degenerative arthritic changes in
these joints results in bone spur formation that can cause severe
Nerve Root compression at the opening to and throughout the Neural
Foramen. Uncovertebral Joint "hypertrophy" (bone spur formation) is
one of the most common causes of Foramenal stenosis and Nerve Root
injury. Plain x-rays can give some information about this unique
anatomy; however, CT scan is the most accurate method to evaluate
these structures.
As often as not, we have found that we cannot correlate the degree
of arthritis at any particular level with the pain. The only
clinical way to correlate the problems, at this stage, is to compare
the neurological findings (from the physical examination by your
doctor) with the findings on x-ray or other neuroimaging (MRI and/or
CT scans) studies. If your pattern of neurological involvement
suggests a particular Nerve Root and the x-ray shows a significant
change at that same level, then it is more likely that this level
is the source of the problem. Many patients have bone spurs at more
than one level. The fact that they are there does not mean that they
are now (or will ever be) the source of any difficulty.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is another technologically
advanced examination that can be used for spine problems. For the
majority of these patients MRI is the best initial screening
neuroimaging technique. It is well suited for "imaging" the
Spinal Cord and frequently gives useful information about the other
structures such as the discs, spinal canal diameter and the
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) space around the Spinal Cord. It
provides less information about the bone structure.
CT Scan (Computed Tomography also known as "CAT" -
Computerized Axial Tomogram) is another x-ray examination that can be
of considerable help in defining the anatomy of a cervical problem.
This test is the most effective method for "imaging" the bone and
joint anatomy or any other structures that have developed a bony or
calcified component (such as the pathologically calcified Posterior
Longitudinal Ligament or some Spinal Cord tumors.) It is not
reliable in evaluating the disc or Spinal Cord.
The amount of useful information that is gained depends upon a number
of factors including the kind of machine that is used. The
costs for using newer MRI and CT technology are not much more than
those for the older machines. The quality of the information can be
very different. Even the most modern MRI or CT devices can fail to
give the appropriate information unless they are well supervised.
The optimal situation for the best results is to have the test done
with modern technology and supervised by an experienced neuroradiologist
who should also have the responsibility to interpret the test
Both CT and MRI scans have permitted major advances in our diagnostic
accuracy and have almost no significant risk to the patient. Neither
of these tests would be part of a routine evaluation for a patient
with relatively minor neck pain. Most neck pain patients will have
an accurate diagnosis made by their physician and will respond to
treatment. In the event that your physician suspects a more serious
problem such as a nerve injury which doesn't improve, Spinal Cord
compression or a congenital abnormality (a condition that you are
born with which may not manifest itself until later in life), then
these tests may become necessary.
A Myelogram is another specialized x-ray test. When
combined with a CT scan, it is usually considered to be the "Gold
Standard" as the most accurate neuroimaging study for evaluating
the conditions of herniated cervical discs and degenerative arthritis
of the cervical spine for which surgery will be appropriate.
This test, although very accurate and reliable (if done under
optimum circumstances), is more uncomfortable than the others
mentioned and carries with it some small risk. We do not recommend
this examination unless the patient is clearly a candidate for an
operation and the other non-invasive neuroimaging studies have failed
to fully elucidate the extent of the structural anatomical
condition. In the event that a myelogram becomes appropriate, it is
usually carried out in anticipation that surgery is to be done.
It is designed to more precisely pinpoint the anatomical extent of
the structural problem as well as to evaluate the circumstances of
the other Cervical Vertebrae together with the anatomy of the inside
of the Spinal Canal. Patients with significant multi-level degenerative
arthritis, particularly those with Spinal Canal and/or Foramenal
stenosis and/or calcified Posterior Longitudinal Ligament, are
among those who may benefit as a result of the critical information
derived from this examination.
The Neuroradiologist who will conduct the myelogram will discuss
the details of this test with the patient and will review the
technique, the small risk and any other additional details that
involve that particular patient. The Neuroradiologist will be happy
to answer any questions pertaining to any of these investigations.
Each step of the Myelogram is conducted under x-ray (fluoroscopic)
control. After the skin insertion site and underlying tissues are
infiltrated with a local anaesthetic, a special needle is inserted
into the Spinal Canal, through the Dura Mater (the thick tissue
layer overlying the Spinal Cord) and into the subarachnoid space
where the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) circulates around the Spinal
Cord. Once accurate placement of the needle has been confirmed, a
special dye substance is injected into the subarachnoid space.
Multiple x-rays are taken, including special views from various
angles. Immediately thereafter the patient is transported to the CT
scan for additional images. It is these images that provide the
extraordinary bone detail of the spine that can be critically
important in the thorough pre-operative technical surgical planning
process required for satisfactory and permanent treatment of the
unique anatomical circumstances for any particular patient.
These two neuroimaging studies are mentioned here for the sake of
completeness; however, we strongly disagree with the concept of and
disapprove of the execution of this "investigation". This involves
injecting a dye substance into one or more discs. The "theory"
behind it is the presumed reproduction of the patient's pain pattern
by increasing the pressure within the "abnormal" disc space.
Additionally, the pattern of spread of the injected dye is often
interpreted as being "abnormal". In our opinion, this is the most
abused and least reliable of any of the investigation methods
available to evaluate neck and arm pain patients. For the doctors who
order this test, the primary reason for its use is in patients who
complain of neck pain in the absence of neurological involvement and
have no significant structural spine problems other than some
degenerative changes in the disc(s).
There is one other examination that is occasionally used in patients
with suspected Nerve Root or Nerve problems. Electromyography (EMG)
is an examination of nerves and muscles which can give important
information about the electrical function of these nerves and muscles.
Neurologists and Physical Medicine Rehabilitation specialists, who
have taken additional training in these techniques, can provide very
useful information not only about the present state of the nerves
(for possible comparison at a later date) but also help to decide
about the precise location and the diagnosis of the problem. Some
clinical problems may appear to be the result of a Nerve Root
injury but may not prove to be so. The EMG is another test that may
help to arrive at an accurate diagnosis.
It is important to recognize that not all of these tests are
either necessary or appropriate for every patient who has these
problems. Your physician will help to guide you towards the ones
that best suit your medical condition.
In the event that these non-operative ("Conservative") treatments fail,
then surgical alternatives may become appropriate. In most cases
surgical intervention is not appropriate until conservative,
nonsurgical treatments have failed (unless there is Spinal Cord
injury and/or very severe Spinal Canal narrowing due to large bone
spurs or significant Spinal Cord compression due to a large herniated
disc). In our view, cervical spine operations are rarely appropriate
for patients with neck and/or arm pain in the absence of significant
neurological deficits or major Spinal Canal narrowing. (Please
Cervical Spine Information-Part 2
for further details of the "Indications for Cervical Spine Surgery".)
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This page last edited on 2/20