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(972) 566-6444

7777 Forest Lane (map)
Suite A-94, PMB 136
Dallas, TX 75230


Many of our patients live in other parts of the USA and other countries. We have developed the "Virtual Consultation" program as a process to expedite the evaluation of those patients who choose to visit from across the country and around the world. This Virtual Consultation allows you to share the details about your current condition and permits our Comprehensive Neuroscience Team to evaluate the information, formulate opinions and make clinical recommendations for your consideration well before traveling to Dallas for definitive care.


We suggest that you start by either calling our office to request the necessary forms or download our patient forms here. After you complete the forms, prepare a package for our team to review. This should include a letter outlining your Neurological History from the time of the first appearance of symptoms, any treatments (including procedures or operations) that have been attempted as well as the results of these efforts. We will need to know about your general medical condition as well including information about any previous operations for other conditions, medical problems, medications and allergies. Please advise us of your concerns and expectations of our Treatment Team.

It is imperative that we have all of the Neuroimaging studies (MRI Scan/CT Scan/Myelogram and Post-myelographic CT Scan/PET-CT Scan, etc.) that have been done recently or in the past. We recommend that you obtain these studies on a CD format. If large print images are the only copies that are available, it would be best to have them digitally photographed and send those as JPG files on a CD. Otherwise, feel free to send the actual large format images on "x-ray" film. We will NOT RETURN THE CD OR INFORMATION TO YOU UNLESS YOU SO DESIRE AND PROVIDE PREPAYMENT FOR EXPRESS SERVICE. We recommend that you retain copies of any information that you send along including (but not limited to) the Neuroimaging studies (CD format or print).

While it is helpful to have an initial contact via email, PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY PERSONAL DATA VIA EMAIL. The forms referenced above are best completed by hand and must not be transmitted electronically. We strongly recommend that you use a shipping method with tracking capability, such as Express Mail Service (USPS), FedEx, UPS, or DHL.

You should send your package to the following address:

    Neurosurgical Consultants
    Attention: "Virtual Consultation" Coordinator
    7777 Forest Lane, Suite B424
    Dallas, Texas 75230
That's it! Your information will be reviewed by Dr. Lazar and the other members of our Neuroscience Team. You will usually receive a response within a week or two from the time that your package arrived in our office.

This page last edited on 12/26

All content ©2025 by Neurosurgical Consultants, P.A.
Author, Martin L. Lazar, MD, FACS
All Rights Reserved. See Usage Notices.